Powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 665 chipset, the Sony Xperia 10 II delivers smooth and efficient performance, ideal for multitasking and entertainment. The device runs on Android 10, which is upgradable to Android 12, providing access to the latest features and security updates. The 64GB internal storage, coupled with 4GB RAM, offers ample space for apps, media, and files, while the option to expand storage with a microSDXC card makes it even more versatile for users who need additional capacity.
The Xperia 10 II stands out with its impressive triple camera setup, featuring a 12 MP wide lens, 8 MP telephoto with 2x optical zoom, and 8 MP ultrawide lens for stunning photography in any setting. The device also supports 4K video recording, ensuring that you capture moments with exceptional clarity. For selfies, the 8 MP front camera delivers sharp and vibrant images. With a 3600 mAh battery, 18W fast charging, and a 3.5mm audio jack for Hi-Res audio, the Sony Xperia 10 II is a complete package, offering a premium experience at an unbeatable price.