Powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 710 chipset and running on Android 9.0 (Pie) with Samsung’s One UI, the Galaxy A8s delivers smooth multitasking and fast performance. With 128GB of internal storage, you’ll have plenty of space for apps, photos, and videos, although it lacks a card slot for expansion. The device also features a rear-mounted fingerprint sensor for added security, alongside other sensors like an accelerometer, gyro, and proximity sensor, providing a seamless and responsive user experience.
Capture every moment in stunning detail with the Galaxy A8s’ triple-camera system, featuring a 24MP wide-angle lens, a 10MP telephoto lens with 2x optical zoom, and a 5MP depth sensor for professional-grade portrait shots. Whether you’re shooting in 4K or 1080p, the camera delivers sharp and detailed videos. Selfie lovers will appreciate the 24MP front camera, perfect for HDR selfies. With a 3400mAh battery supporting 18W wired charging, this smartphone ensures you stay connected throughout the day. Get your Samsung Galaxy A8s now at Fonezone.ae for an unbeatable price in the UAE.